Hi Folks,

I am using storing user sessions in database table sessions , and
trying to manipulate (edit or delete) the sessions table from admin
panel controls.

// controllers/OnlinesController.php
// e.g. $id = 'bk86c9argtdlqv7t12g8a0ugf6'
$this->Online->delete($id); // doesn't work
// $this->Online->find('all'); // read operations work fine

It's not letting me do that, anybody know's why ?

In my core.php configurations, I have

// config/core.php
Configure::write('Session.save', 'database');
Configure::write('Session.model', 'Session');
Configure::write('Session.table', 'sessions');
Configure::write('Session.database', 'default');
Configure::write('Session.cookie', 'CAKEPHP');
Configure::write('Session.timeout', '144');
Configure::write('Session.start', true);
Configure::write('Session.checkAgent', true);
Configure::write('Security.level', 'medium');

I have separate model Online to handle operations to sessions table.

// models/online.php
var $useTable = 'sessions';

Any help is greatly appreciated
- Thanks

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