Irrelevant for two reasons:

- I wrote that I already tried with the form model set to 'User'
- Manual says it is fine to do this (see the first yellow box):

On Nov 29, 4:04 pm, nurvzy <> wrote:
> Why are you setting NULL as your form model?
> Try:
> <?php echo $form->create('User',
>                         array(
>                                   'default' => true,
>                                   'inputDefaults' => array(
>                                         'label' => false,
>                                         'div' => false
>                                   )
>                         )
>                   );
> Try looking in params.  I'm guessing it's being passed in as
> params['form'].
> HTH,
> Nick
> On Nov 29, 11:56 am, amfriedman <> wrote:
> > Hey folks
> > This is a very strange issue indeed, and at its root it is NOT related
> > to this post that declares a similar 
> > symptom:
> > I have a form in /users/view/.  When I submit it and check $_POST and
> > $this->data at the very beginning of AppController->beforeFilter(),
> > the form data appears in the $_POST array but $this->data does not
> > have any data.  In fact, $this->data is not even set by Cake!
> > The Auth component is removed from the $components list, so I know
> > that Auth is not the culprit.  I've also tried to test this form in
> > different controllers/views, and I get the same problem.  Pretty
> > scary, huh?
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > ------------
> > Here is the view code (I've also tried setting the form->create()
> > first argument with a model of 'User' and used full Model.field dot
> > notation for my inputs):
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > ------------
> >     <?php echo $form->create(NULL,
> >                         array(
> >                                   'default' => true,
> >                                   'inputDefaults' => array(
> >                                         'label' => false,
> >                                         'div' => false
> >                                   )
> >                         )
> >                   ); // default => onsubmit true/false  ?>
> >                          <?php echo $form->input('username', array('size'=> 
> > 20, 'maxlength'
> > => 50)); ?>
> >                          <?php echo $form->input('pw', array('type' => 
> > 'password',
> > 'size'=> 20, 'maxlength' => 50)); ?>
> >                         <?php echo $form->submit('Log In &raquo;', 
> > array('class' =>
> > 'submit', 'name' => 'submit',  'title' => 'Enter your username and
> > password for access.', 'class' => 'button', 'escape' => false)); ?>
> >         <?php echo $form->end(); ?>
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > ------------
> > Here is the app_controller:
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > ------------
> >         function beforeFilter() {
> >                 pr(__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.'()...');
> >                 pr('POST data: ');
> >                 pr($_POST);
> >                 if(isset($this->data)) {
> >                         pr('this->data: ');
> >                         pr($this->data);
> >                 } else { pr('this->data not set!'); }
> >        // ...
> >    }
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > ------------
> > Here is the browser output:
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > ------------
> >    AppController::beforeFilter()...
> > POST data:
> > Array
> > (
> >     [_method] => POST
> >     [data] => Array
> >         (
> >             [User] => Array
> >                 (
> >                     [username] => testuser
> >                     [pw] => 12345
> >                 )
> >         )
> >     [submit] => Log In »
> > )
> > this->data not set!

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