
the problem I have came up very often the last weeks but I couldn't
find a solution yet. Maybe one of you has a clue how to do this.

The facts:

in my users_controller i have an action called "register", which is
mapped to the route http:://www.domain.com/register

This is working, and very easy to set up. But when I now make any
mistake in the form given in the register action, the url in the
browser switches back to users/register, which is the correct action,
but not the correct route!

I could do a redirect when an error occurs, but the form validation
errors (by model validation OR invalidate()) are gone when a redirect
is done.

There has to be a solution for this, I just do not want to store all
errors in the Session and add the errors manually into the form and
delete them afterwards from the Session.

Does anyone have any idea how to solve this little problem?



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