How did you install memcache? Through a package within SSH?

On Dec 5, 12:03 pm, cricket <> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 8:59 PM, Dave Maharaj <> wrote:
> > Its just never there.
> > /etc/init.d/memcached restart
> > -bash: /etc/init.d/memcached: No such file or directory
> > Added to php.ini even found a tip on google to make a
> > memcache.ini tried that and same result.
> > It goes thru installing. Its there in the server...its in phpinfo it just
> > will not run.
> You have the PHP module, but do you have memcached installed? I'd
> assume that trying to install the former would throw up the latter as
> a dependency, but I'm not overly familiar with CentOS. How did you
> install the module, anyway? Did you use a package manager (eg. yum)?
> Try:
> which memcached
> It should be in /usr/bin (although maybe that's different on CentOS).

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