On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 7:48 AM, cake-learner <sh.koiz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to design the form like this.
> http://skoizumi.com/cakephp/complicated-form.gif
> you can add categories to a survey, add questions to a category, and
> add selection values to a question.
> I saw some of documents where you can define the array of records by
> using classname and index with dot
> ( category.0.question ), but it stops working after a couple dots. Is
> there anyway to create this form with formhelp class or i should just
> do it manually?

If this is an admin situation only, I recommend considering using AJAX
to build things in pieces. Especially if you're using something like
JQuery. I've done this several times and it's worked very well for me.

The idea is, you start with a basic form to create a new Survey.
Submit that (check out the JQuery form plugin) and have Cake echo back
the Form.id. The 'success' callback of the AJAX submit then stores the
id locally (using JQuery's data functionality, or simply added to some
hidden DOM element) and changes, eg. the Survey.name form element into
an h2 header (or whatever). Finally, the callback displays another
form for adding a Category, which includes a hidden element for
Category.survey_id whose value is that returned id. This form is also
submitted with AJAX.

When the new Category is created, though, instead of removing its
form, the returned Category.id is added to the form as a hidden
element. This way, the Category name or whatever else can be edited at
any time. Meanwhile, a new form is created for adding a question, also
with its own hidden element for Question.category_id. And so on.

I have no idea how to do any of this with Cake's JQuery helper,
though. I prefer to handle all of that sort of stuff in JS.

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their CakePHP related questions.

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