I have tried them all,...
nothing seems working

      // $parent_id = $this->VideoFavorite-

      // $parent_id = $this->User->field('id',array('username'=>

      // $parent_id = $this->Video->field('id',array('user_id'=>

      $parent_id = $this->VideoFavorite->field('id',array('parent_id'=>

     // $parent_id = $this->Video->field(user_id);

Please help...

On Dec 22, 5:56 pm, "chris...@yahoo.com" <chris...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Amit, thanks again,...
> no there is no unique username, this is a social network site with
> lots of users ;) I guess,... this still in construction...
> and I'm building and adding Users Video Favorites Section, Group
> Favorites, Blog Favorites etc...
> And I think I have to call user_id or parent_id either from Video or
> VideoFavorite tables.
> I already set it up VideoFavorite parent_id value to = Video user_id
>   function set_favorites($id)
>   {
>     if(!($user = $this->User->findById($this->user['id'])))
>     {
>       $this->flash('error', ucfirst(i18n::translate('user not
> found')));
>       $this->redirect('/');
>     }
>     else
>     {
>       if(!($video = $this->Video->findById($id)))
>       {
>         $this->flash('error', ucfirst(i18n::translate('video not
> found')));
>         $this->redirect('/');
>       }
>       else
>       {
>         $favorites['VideoFavorite']['video_id'] = $video['Video']
> ['id'];
>         $favorites['VideoFavorite']['parent_id'] = $video['Video']
> ['user_id'];
>         $favorites['VideoFavorite']['category_id'] = $video['Video']
> ['category_id'];
>         $favorites['VideoFavorite']['privacy'] = $video['Video']
> ['privacy'];
>         $favorites['VideoFavorite']['created'] = $video['Video']
> ['created'];
>         $favorites['VideoFavorite']['user_id'] = $user['User']['id'];
>         if(!$this->VideoFavorite->save($favorites))
>         {
>           $this->flash('error',
> ucfirst(i18n::translate('unexpected')));
>         }
>         else
>         {
>           $this->flash('valid', ucfirst(i18n::translate('favorites
> added')));
>         }
>         $this->redirect('/videos/favorites/' . $user['User']
> ['username']);
>       }
>     }
>   }
> Thanks
> Chris
> On Dec 22, 5:26 pm, Amit Rawat <rawatami...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Is  your username unique?
> > if yes then you can use this
> > $parent_id=$this->User->field('id',array('username'=>$username));
> > Enjoy
> > On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 6:48 AM, chris...@yahoo.com 
> > <chris...@yahoo.com>wrote:
> > > Hi Amit, thank you for your help. But it didn't work. I may, as well
> > > post the whole function here. This is a favorites section that I'm
> > > trying to create. All I'm trying to do,... is call parent_id so I can
> > > link it to original video user username(profile) and video from view
> > > page favorites.ctp. If you have a time can you please take peak at
> > >http://www.zippopeople.com
> > > and this is a testing URL
> > > Thank Yo..All !
> > >   function favorites($username = null)
> > >  {
> > >    if($username == 'unknown')
> > >      $this->authorize();
> > >    if(!($user = $this->User->findByUsername($username)))
> > >    {
> > >      $this->flash('error', ucfirst(i18n::translate('user not
> > > found')));
> > >      $this->redirect('/');
> > >    }
> > >    else
> > >    {
> > >      $filter = $this->params['pass'];
> > >      unset($filter['page']);
> > >      unset($filter['sort']);
> > >      unset($filter['direction']);
> > >      $this->set('url_options', $filter);
> > >        $parent_id = $this->Video->field('user_id');
> > >      $this->menu->setSelected('/videos/index/' . $user['User']
> > > ['username']);
> > >      $this-
> > > >set_title(ucfirst(Inflector::pluralize(i18n::translate('favorite
> > > videos'))) . ' : ' . $user['User']['firstname'] . ' ' . $user['User']
> > > ['lastname']);
> > >      $scope = array('VideoFavorite.user_id' => $user['User']['id']);
> > >            if(array_key_exists('date', $this->params['pass']))
> > >        $scope[] = 'DATE(VideoFavorite.created) = \'' . strftime('%Y-
> > > %m-%d', strtotime($this->params['pass']['date'])) . '\'';
> > >      if($this->is_user())
> > >        $is_friend = in_array($this->user['id'], $this->Friend-
> > > >myFriends($user['User']['id']));
> > >      else
> > >        $is_friend = false;
> > >      if($this->is_user() && $this->user['id'] == $user['User']['id'])
> > >      {
> > >        // the owner has no restriction
> > >      }
> > >      elseif($this->is_user() && $is_friend)
> > >      {
> > >        $scope[] = 'VideoFavorite.privacy <= ' .
> > > array_search('friend', Configure::read('Site.privacy'));
> > >      }
> > >      else
> > >      {
> > >        $scope[] = 'VideoFavorite.privacy <= ' .
> > > array_search('public', Configure::read('Site.privacy'));
> > >      }
> > >      $videos = $this->paginate('VideoFavorite', $scope);
> > >      $this->set('videos', $videos);
> > >      $this->set('dates', $dates = $this->VideoFavorite->query('SELECT
> > > DATE(created) AS date, COUNT(*) AS videos FROM fociki_video_favorites
> > > WHERE user_id = ' . $user['User']['id'] . ' GROUP BY DATE(created)
> > > ORDER BY created DESC'));
> > >      $videos_count = 0;
> > >      foreach($dates as $date)
> > >        $videos_count += $date[0]['videos'];
> > >      $this->set('videos_count', $videos_count);
> > >      $this->set('user_obj', $user);
> > >      $this->set('parent', $parent_id);
> > >      $this->set('friends', $this->Friend->find('all', array('limit'
> > > => 12, 'conditions' => array('Friend.user_id' => $user['User']['id']),
> > > 'order' => array('Friend.created' => 'DESC'))));
> > >    }
> > >  }
> > > and here is my tables:
> > > videos table
> > > id      int(11)         UNSIGNED        No              auto_increment
> > >        user_id int(11)                 Yes     NULL
> > >        category_id     int(11)                 Yes     NULL
> > >        name    varchar(120)    latin1_swedish_ci               No
> > >        description     text    latin1_swedish_ci               Yes     
> > > NULL
> > >        embed_code      text    latin1_swedish_ci               Yes     
> > > NULL
> > >        video_thumb     text    latin1_swedish_ci               Yes     
> > > NULL
> > >        views   int(11)                 No      0
> > >        comments        int(11)                 No      0
> > >        last_comment    datetime                        Yes     NULL
> > >        promo_status    int(11)                 No      0
> > >        privacy int(1)          UNSIGNED        No      0
> > >        created datetime                        No      0000-00-00 00:00:00
> > > video_favorites table
> > >        id      int(11)         UNSIGNED        No
> > >  auto_increment
> > >        video_id        int(11)         UNSIGNED        No      0
> > >        user_id int(11)                 Yes     NULL
> > >        category_id     int(11)                 Yes     NULL
> > >        privacy int(1)          UNSIGNED        No      0
> > >        created datetime                        No      0000-00-00 00:00:00
> > >        parent_id       int(11)                 Yes     NULL
> > > Thanks again, any help is appreciated !!!
> > > Chris
> > > On Dec 22, 4:20 pm, Amit Rawat <rawatami...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Hi Chris,
> > > > Use find field
> > > > $parent_id = $this->Video->field('user_id',array('your condition goes
> > > > here'))
> > > > enjoy,
> > > > Amit
> > > > On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 3:41 AM, chris...@yahoo.com <chris...@yahoo.com
> > > >wrote:
> > > > > Hi All,... sound stupid but I have to ask...
> > > > > I want to call user_id from Video table in to $parent_id variable in
> > > > > my controller in order to display and link to parent user username,
> > > > > video in ..."Favorites" section. And how do I do that...? Please
> > > > > help...
> > > > > $parent_id = $this->Video ???
> > > > > thanks
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