Hi there,

my cakephp app allows users to create subdomains.

for eg,

user1 creates subdomain1.example.com and
user2 creates subdomain2.example.com and so on...

all subdomains are pointing to the same app folder.

if a new subdomain is created, i merely keep track of it by inserting
new record in subdomains table. no new copies of `app` folder are

i have a action common in all subdomains called orders/checkout

i want to ssl secure this page.

Do I

create a separate subdomain such that all visitors to the different
subdomains are redirected to it?

eg, visitors at subdomain1.example.com or subdomain2.example.com will
ALL be directed to https://secure.example.com/orders/checkout when
they run the orders/checkout action



all the visitors at subdomain1.example.com are directed to

all the visitors at subdomain2.example.com are directed to

and so on..

if it is a) how do i achieve that?

if it is b) how do i achieve that?

is there an alternative to a) and b)? if so, how do i achieve that?

Thank you .

Happy holidays

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