On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 9:05 AM, WhyNotSmile <sharongilmor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In my admin area, I would like to give the user the option to
> 'Preview' the page they are creating or editing.  I just can't quite
> get my head around how to do it, so wondered if anyone can advise me.
> Ideally, here's what I'd like: the user is editing a page in the admin
> area, and at any time can click a button which says 'Preview'.  This
> opens a new window which shows what the page would look like if the
> current information was saved.  The user can close the window, edit
> the page some more, and preview it as much as they want.
> The issue is this:
>> If I use a 'Preview' button, I can send the current data to the controller 
>> and show a page with that data.  However, this doesn't let me open the page 
>> in a new window.  I don't really want the user to have to use the back 
>> button, as that interrupts the flow of the process.
>> If I use a Preview link, I can open a new window, but cannot send the data 
>> to the page for display.
> Has anyone done this before, and can you suggest how I might go about
> it?  Would I need to use javascript or ajax?  I haven't used Ajax
> before, although I'm happy enough with javascript.

I've done this. It was for an HTML newsletter (yuk!) and I included a
preview button which did exactly this. I used JQuery and the form
plugin to submit the form with AJAX.

        /* allow editor to update itself
                url: '/admin/newsletter/preview',
                error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown)
                success: function(responseText)


So, here, I was using WYMEditor for the markup and JQModal for the
pop-up. Not what I'd use today but this was quite a while ago.

public function admin_preview($id = null)
        Configure::write('debug', 0);
        $this->layout = 'email/html/newsletter';
        $this->viewPath = 'elements/email/html';

        if (!empty($this->data))
                $newsletter = $this->Newsletter->read(null, $id);
        else if (isset($id))
                $newsletter = $this->Newsletter->read(null, $id);
                return null;

The prepareForDelivery() method just did a bunch of str_replace() to
add inline CSS, etc. I really loathe HTML email.

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