Hi guys

I suppose this is my first ever post on any CakePHP related forum/group so 
get the unicorns and badger porn out. I've been actively using CakePHP since 
1.1 and have generally beaten and thrashed the framework into doing what I 
liked until progressively it has become the shiny framework of today.

As I've refactored and refactored over and over, Cake has finally beaten and 
thrashed me into better use of Behavior, Component and Helper; I use those 
three so much now to keep my code tidy and help make testing manageable.

These days, I find that there are times I want to name a helper to match the 
model when working in views. I feel that models named Invoice suit an 
Invoice helper more than concocting weakly linked names; yet, in the past 
I've often mashed up the oddest of names so that I can avoid variable 
collisions. I, personally, find this method much more MVC (I've seen this in 
my occasional expeditions into RoR).
Since 1.3, have you begun refactoring to take advantage of $this->Helper or 
have you continued to make use of $helper and used creative naming to get 
around things?
*I guess I'm just trying to gauge whether or not I'm personally taking the 
right path with $this->Helper over $helper*

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