Hey everybody

I have a model Beneficiary and a model Contract.

class Beneficiary extends Model {
        var $name = 'Beneficiary';

  var $hasMany = array(

class Contract extends Model {
        var $name = 'Contract';
        var $displayField = 'number';

  var $belongsTo = array(

I want to test the Beneficiary with the following unit test:

class BeneficiaryTestCase extends CakeTestCase {
        var $fixtures = array('app.beneficiary');

        function startTest() {
                $this->Beneficiary =& ClassRegistry::init('Beneficiary');

        function endTest() {

  function testSanity() {
    $this->assertTrue(1 == 1);

But when I run it, I'm getting the error message "Error: Database
table users for model User was not found.", and I have no idea why.
When I remove the hasMany:Contract relationship, then it doesn't
complain. But Contract doesn't have anything to do with User!

I tracked the problem further to ClassRegistry::init(). When I echo
what is passed to init() as $class, then after some echos it echos
User! But I couldn't track it down deeper, it's too complicated for

Anyone has an idea where this "User" could slip into my code??

I could also just add the User fixture to the test case, but that
wouldn't be clean...

Thanks really a lot for help, I just don't seem able to do it on my

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