Dear all,

I suspect this is either really easy or very hard. I've been through
endless apparently similar questions on here but haven't been able to
figure out the answer.

I have a "Quote" model, which I am trying to list in a view. Quote
belongsTo Attendance which belongs to Person. I am trying to sort the
list of quotes by the first_name field in the Person model.

The array being sent to the view is

     [0] => Array
                [Quote] => Array
                        [id] => 1
                        [attendance_id] => 15
                        [quote_text] => Hello


                [Attendance] => Array
                        [id] => 15
                        [person_id] => 2
                        [trip_id] => 7
                        [Person] => Array
                              [id] => 2
                              [first_name] => John
                              [last_name] => Smith



This seems to work fine, and in the view, I can echo out

    foreach ($quotes as $quote) {
    echo $quote['Attendance']['Person']['first_name'];
without any problem.

What I cannot get to work is accessing/using the same variable as a
sort field in paginate

   echo $this->Paginator->sort('Name',

    echo $this->Paginator->sort('Location',

Does not work. It appears to sort by something, but I'm not sure what.
Am I using the correct syntax?. Is there something I should be doing
in a model or controller to make this work?

Thanks in advance.


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