See here for 
a tip on getting it to work on 1&1.

Are you certain you don't already have a Posts controller?

Jeremy Burns
Class Outfit

On 3 Feb 2011, at 07:37, lebert wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm new to CakePHP, so I decided to download yesterday from the
> website the last stable version 1.3.7 from
> After struggling to set everything up in my 1&1 hosting, and realizing
> that it only works when installing it in the root of my domain, not in
> a subfolder (if anyone knows a link with an explanation of how to do
> that, it would be very helpful though) I decided to follow the Blog
> tutorial to get in touch with CakePHP. Well, I didn't get very far...
> At the step "11.7.1 Create a Post controller" (
> view/1531/Cake-Database-Configuration#!/view/1535/Create-a-Posts-
> Controller), I get the following error when uploading the file created
> there:
> Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class PostsController in /homepages/28/
> d230065733/htdocs/cakePHP/app/controllers/posts_controller.php  on
> line 15
> I've followed exactly what the tutorial says. I've actually started
> over to see if I had missed something, being super careful, but still
> the same error. This is how that file looks like:
> <?php
> class PostsController extends AppController {
>       var $helpers = array ('Html','Form');
>       var $name = 'Posts';
>       function index() {
>               $this->set('posts', $this->Post->find('all'));
>       }
> }
> ?>
> If I try the application before uploading this file, I get the obvious
> error that "PostController" does not exist, and asks me to create it.
> If I create it and upload the file (posts_controller.php) without the
> index() function, I get an error saying that "Action index is not
> defined", which is also normal. But when I include that fragment of
> code, then I get the fatal error I mentioned before, with all the
> display on white and the error message on black.
> I've followed the tutorial line by line and I don't see any difference
> between my code and the tutorial. Another weird thing is that the
> fatal error says "on line 15", when the code has only 10... And by the
> way, when I installed and configured the CakePHP project, I got all
> the test things on green, so I don't think it's a configuration
> problem...
> I'm super confused and frustrated, I want to learn CakePHP but it
> sucks to be struggling so early! Any help or advice would be much
> appreciated! I assume that the tutorial works, so I guess that I'm
> doing something wrong, but I have no clue what can it be...
> Thanks so much in advance!
> -- 
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