Hello everyone!

When recently approached to do some web development for a game whose code base 
was in dire need of a rewrite, I was determined on finding a stable, community 
supported framework to help speed up the process. I appreciate Cake's file 
organization, the way layouts are controlled, among other things, but I seem to 
be having a difficult time in the way I should be understanding the "M" in MVC. 
I've done enough web development in the past to be familiar with PHP, but more 
recently I've worked in object-oriented, compiled languages, as well as a few 
web tools built with Django. I could just give up and "do whatever works", but 
I feel like there's something powerful to be taken advantage of here, and I 
hope you guys can help!

How "magical" is the find() function? Should I be able to run one exhaustive 
query and get back all the nested data that I need for a View to spit out? I 
guess a better question would be: do you find yourself calling find() on 
different sets of data, packaging them together yourself (presumably with the 
Set class, right?) and then passing that to the view to be displayed?

I have some data that is loosely related, and while I can manage to get at all 
of it in one query, it requires me using Containable, and dropping 5-6 
associations in. That just seems quite inefficient for me. (Maybe it's not?)

Coming from many OO languages, after you define a class, you instantiate it as 
you want to work with an individual object, play with it as you want, and throw 
it out. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that MVC's approach is more 
geared towards operating on all the data at once? Or at least in the case of 
working with a "Model".

This leads to some confusion for me, because the majority of the instances 
where I need to access data, it's of a small subset of the data I'm storing in 
the DB for my model. My webgame has "Buildings" in it, which belong to a User's 
"Village". Sometimes I want to grab information from a specific Building, and 
other times I want to grab only the specific Buildings of a Village. Is it 
proper to be define a function within the model that grabs or manipulates data 
based on this, like $this->Village->getBuildingsByVillageId()? Better yet, how 
do you operate on 'instances' of your data as defined by your model?

I may have some more questions later, but I'll start this thread with these two 
(albeit loaded) questions.

Any help is appreciated, thank you!

- Michael

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