I'm using fck with CakePHP, on some admin pages.  I thought I'd done
what I've always done, but this time around, instead of seeing a blank
textarea in the admin form, I see a textarea which has the home page
in it - the full html.

I looked around, and found someone with a similar solution - they were
told to use '$this->layout = false;'.  There was no more detail, and
it didn't say whether it had worked.  I'm not sure how to do this to
try it out.  If I put it in the controller, I just get the form with
no formatting; the text box still has the home page in it!

Can anyone suggest what i could try here?  I've given my code below.

I really appreciate any thoughts.

Controller code:

  function admin_add() {
   $this->layout = 'admin';
   $this->set('title_for_layout', 'Add Page');
   if(!empty($this->data)) {
    if($this->Page->save($this->data)) {
     $this->Session->setFlash('Page Added To System', 'default',
array("class" => "success"));
    $this->Session->setFlash('Please correct errors below', 'default',
array("class" => "error"));

View code (admin_add.ctp):
   <!-- Various divs & layout things go here - no php -->
   echo $this->Form->create('Page', array('action'=>'add', 'admin'=>1,
'class' => 'largeForm'));
   echo $form->label('Page Content');
   echo '<p class="help">Enter the page content</p>';
   echo $form->label('&nbsp');
    $fck->Error = $this->validationErrors['Page']['column1'];
   echo $fck->Create('Page/column1');
   echo $this->Form->end('Add Page');
   <!-- Various divs & layout things go here - no php -->

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