thank you very much.

On 24 Feb., 19:32, Miles J <> wrote:
> Your form is posting to a completely different url. Try setting this:
> echo $form->create('Model', array('type' => 'file', 'url' =>
> array('controller'=>'pages','action'=>'display', 'upload')));
> On Feb 24, 9:05 am, soymartinus <> wrote:
> > Hi
> > i'm new to cakephp and can't get miles johnsons upload plugin 
> > ( to work.
> > i don't use/need a database for the upload form.
> > so i created the upload.ctp in app/views/pages
> > echo $form->create('Model', array('type' => 'file'));
> > echo $form->input('fileName', array('type' => 'file'));
> > echo $form->end('Upload');
> > and added to the pages_controller the
> > function upload() like explained in the tutorial on miles webpage.
> > in routes.php i put
> > Router::connect('/upload',
> > array('controller'=>'pages','action'=>'display', 'upload'));
> > thats what i added to the pages_controller:
> > //uploader plugin
> > var $components = array('Uploader.Uploader');
> > var $actsAs = array('Uploader.FileValidation');
> > function upload() {
> >         //
> >         $this->set('testvar', "hello world");
> >         $this->Uploader->uploadDir = 'files/uploads/';
> >         $this->Uploader->enableUpload = true;
> >         $this->Uploader->maxFileSize = '8M'; // 8 Megabytes
> >         $this->Uploader->maxNameLength = 40;
> >         //$this->Uploader->mime('image', 'gif', 'image/gif');
> >         //$this->Uploader->delete('files/uploads/filename.jpg');
> >         if (!empty($this->data)) {
> >                 if ($data = $this->Uploader->upload('fileName', 
> > array('overwrite' =>
> > true, 'name' => 'new_fileName'))){
> >                         debug($data);
> >                 }
> >         }
> > }
> > when i now want to upload a file, i get always the error:
> > Error: ModelsController could not be found.
> > thank you very much in advance for any help
> > regards from spain, martin

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