
I'm getting started with CakePHP by reading the docs and porting a
previous project to CakePHP. I've read about the form helper and
understood that it's a good helper to create a form quickly.

But i'm having trouble to understand the best way to create a more
complex form. I'm just going to give an example on what I'm trying to
port to CakePHP.

I got this form with two datepickers, they communicate with each other
through JQuery (startdate and enddate). Currently, in my old project
these datepickers are just empty div's in the body html and the on
document load they get inited with the jquery UI datepickers.

Now, should I use the Form helper for the rest of my form and echo out
the div's manually or should I leave the form helper alone and build
up the form entirely without the help of it, and then link the
controller action to the action of my custom form?

Thanks for any advice!

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