On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:32 PM, adam_g2000 <a...@designcollective.co.nz> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I've got a HABTM relationship between subcategories and resources.
> There is a resources_subcategories join table. I've written a method
> on subcategories that changes the order field in a record by
> decrementing it. It's a bit like the tree behaviour (which I may
> resort to if I cannot get this to work).
>        function up($id = null, $order = null) {
>                if (!$id or !$order) {
>                        $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid id or order 
> number', true));
>                        $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index'));
>                }
>                // Create an array of the image table contents of IDs and 
> Orders.
>                $conditions = array(
>                                                'fields' => 
> array('id','order'),
>                                                'order' => 'Subcategory.order 
> ASC'
>                );
>                $subcategories = $this->Subcategory->find('all', $conditions);
>                // Set the direction for the image to travel (up)
>                $delta = -1;
>                // index = the array item you want to move
>                // delta = the direction and number of spaces to move the item.
>                $index = $order -1;
>                $index2 = $index + $delta;
>                // Move the elements in the array
>                $temp_item = $subcategories[$index2]['Subcategory']['order'];
>                $subcategories[$index2]['Subcategory']['order'] =
> $subcategories[$index]['Subcategory']['order'];
>                $subcategories[$index]['Subcategory']['order'] = $temp_item;
>                // Write it all back to the database
>                foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory):
>                        $this->Subcategory->save($subcategory, false, 
> array('id',
> 'order'));
>                endforeach;
>                $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
>        }
> This all works perfectly except for one thing. Each time this method
> is run the entire contents of the join table is erased. I need an
> idiot check. Can anyone see what it is I am doing wrong? Thanks in
> advance for any help anyone can offer.

There are (used to be?) situations where records are first removed
upon saving. Something to do with associations. Reasons are hazy. But
a couple of things stand out in your code. First, you're not calling
create() before save().

Second, the shuffling looks odd to me. $temp_item isn't a record, for
example, but the order. Presumably an integer. Is this what you want?

Anyway, have you seen SortableBehavior? Works for me.

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