On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 4:01 AM, K3 <kiril.zvezdako...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> if i add another subfolder in /app/view where i want to put
> alternative view structure of the site, so for example for articles
> folder i have following structure:
> /app/
>     /view/
>            /_version2/
>                   /articles/
>     /articles/
> and i have 2 files
> /app/view/articles/index.ctp and /app/view/_version2/articles/
> index.ctp
> In general i want to render view from alternative folder if that view
> exists. something like:
> if ("/app/view/_version2/xxxxxx/yyyyy.ctp" exists) {
>       render("/app/view/_version2/xxxxxx/yyyyy.ctp");
> } else {
>       render("/app/view/xxxxxx/yyyyy.ctp");
> }
> is this possible?
> i wanted to add such control in beforeRender, but seems there i can't
> control which view to render, only to post variables to the view. Any
> thoughts?

eg. in PostsController, one can do this:

$this->viewPath = 'posts/foo';

... to use templates in app/views/posts/foo/ dir. The fact that we
don't need to set $viewPath for every action tells us that it's
already set for us. So, it would be possible to use that to check for
a commonly-named directory inside whichever is at the end of the
current $viewPath.


function beforeFilter()

        // other stuff

        if (is_dir(APP.'views'.DS.$this->viewPath.DS.'_version2'))
                $this->viewPath .= DS.'_version2';

I think this would probably work fine for you although it could become
complicated. For example, I often adjust the $viewPath to point to the
elements/whatever dir and render just an element when sending back an
AJAX response. On the face of it, this shouldn't be too big a problem
when used with the example above, but you should keep in mind that
there may be other reasons for adjusting $viewPath. If your code has
nothing like that going on, you should be fine.

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