How does you find statement look like?
Are you using the Containable behaviour?

On Mar 12, 1:33 pm, heohni <>
> Hi,
> I have the following structure:
> Member belongsTo Agent
> Member hasMany Payment
> Payment belongsTo Agentprovision
> Payment belongsTo Member
> Agent hasMany Agentprovision
> Agent hasMany Member
> Agentprovision belongsTo Agent
> Agentprovision belongsTo Payment
> In my Agent Controller I want to no select
> => each Agentprovision with its Payment and its Member
> I do:
> $this->Agent->Agentprovision->recursive = 0;
> $this->Agent->Agentprovision->unBindModel(array('belongsTo' =>
> array('Agent')), false); // to exclude all Agent relevant infos for
> the moment
> This gives me:
> Array
> (
>     [0] => Array
>         (
>             [Agentprovision] => Array
>                 (
>                     [id] => 188
>                     [payment_id] => 1795
> ...
>             [Payment] => Array
>                 (
>                     [id] => 1795
>                     [member_id] => 5
> ...
> )
> I do not understand, why I cant collect the member details here...?
> As my Payment have the reference with the member_id?
> Any ideas what could be wrong?

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