HI All,

           i am trying to generate XML template on my report generated data.

the stuff related to generate XML i keep in view page as below.


      //example i am pushing data to $Data

       $Data = array('storetype' => $store['st']['store_type']);

        App::import('Helper', 'Xml');
        App::import('Core', 'File');
        $xml = new XmlHelper();

        $file = $xml->header(); // We need the XML header before our data.
        $file .= $xml->serialize($Data, array('whitespace' => true));

        // Write the file.
        $xmlFile =new File('/tmp' .'/filename.xml');
        $xmlFile->write($file, 'w');


for this i am getting out put as below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <std_class subcategorys="Cake , biscuits, dognuts" />
    <std_class storetype="Checkers" />
    <std_class banchcode="262" />
    <std_class branchname="CC LADYSMITH - OVAL" />
    <std_class bookedDates="" />

(But this is not the way i want result).

i want to generate templet file example as below


    <text align="center">
    Sub Category-1
    Store Type
    Branch Code
    Branch Name
    Dates Booked
    <td align="left"
    Dates Available

    Checkers Hyper
    CH HY Centurion
    <td align="left"

    <td =bgclor="red'>


can any one worked on this type of solution please suggest me the right way
to archive.

Thanks in Advance ,


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