try this way: /var/www/cake/app (cake is the application name)
cake bake -app /var/www/cake/app
set the project that way..and retry...!!
On Mar 15, 8:23 am, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> I've installed the latest version of CakePHP on a Ubuntu 10.10
> machine. I was able to run through a beginner tutorial just fine so I
> think my configuration is close to being correct. I can't get cake
> bake to completely work though. Below is my session. Things that look
> like anomolies are marked with '***'. I think I must have one or more
> small errors in my configuration that are manifesting when running the
> bake shell. I should mention the cake bake is replacing previous
> models, controllers and views in the app directory. Thanks!
>$ cd /var/www/app
>$ ../cake/console/cake bake -app /var/
> www/app
> ***Failed loading /usr/lib/php5/ /usr/lib/
> php5/ cannot open shared object
> file: No such file or directory
> Welcome to CakePHP v1.3.2 Console
> App : app
> Path: /var/www/app
> Interactive Bake Shell
> [D]atabase Configuration
> [M]odel
> [V]iew
> [C]ontroller
> [P]roject
> [F]ixture
> [T]est case
> [Q]uit
> What would you like to Bake? (D/M/V/C/P/F/T/Q)
> P
> What is the full path for this app including the app directory name?
> Example:/var/www/app/myapp
> [/var/www/app/myapp] > /var/www/app
> Bake Project
> Skel Directory: /usr/share/php/cake/console/templates/skel
> Will be copied to: /var/www/app
> Look okay? (y/n/q)
> [y] > y
> Do you want verbose output? (y/n)
> [n] > y
> Created: app in /var/www/app
> /usr/share/php/cake/console/templates/skel/app_controller.php copied
> to
> /var/www/app/app_controller.php
> /usr/share/php/cake/console/templates/skel/app_model.php copied to
> /var/www/app/app_model.php
> /usr/share/php/cake/console/templates/skel/index.php copied to /var/
> www/app/index.php
> /usr/share/php/cake/console/templates/skel/.htaccess copied to /var/
> www/app/.htaccess
> /usr/share/php/cake/console/templates/skel/app_helper.php copied to /
> var/www/app/app_helper.php
> Creating file /var/www/app/views/pages/home.ctp
> File /var/www/app/views/pages/home.ctp exists, overwrite? (y/n/q)
> [n] > y
> Wrote /var/www/app/views/pages/home.ctp
> Welcome page created
> Random hash key created for 'Security.salt'
> Random seed created for 'Security.cipherSeed'
> ***Unable to set CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH, you should change it in /var/
> www/app/webroot/index.php
> ***Could not set permissions on /var/www/app//tmp
> ***chmod -R 0777 /var/www/app//tmp
> Interactive Bake Shell
> [D]atabase Configuration
> [M]odel
> [V]iew
> [C]ontroller
> [P]roject
> [F]ixture
> [T]est case
> [Q]uit
> What would you like to Bake? (D/M/V/C/P/F/T/Q)
> q

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