
I am upgrading from CakePhp1.1 to Cakephp 1.2 When I try to load up my
page, I get the following error.

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1066: Not unique table/alias:
'ShoppingCart' [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line

Now below is the line that generates the error in the
shopping_carts_controller.php controller file.



Below are the definitions of the models that get used through



class User extends AppModel


var $name = 'User';for php4 firstname'=>'/[a-z0-9 _-]{3,}$/i',

var $hasMany = 'Purchase';

var $belongsTo = array('Country', 'State', 'PaymentMethod' ,




class ShoppingCart extends AppModel


var $name = 'ShoppingCart';

var $belongsTo = array('User');

var $hasMany = array('ShoppingCartProduct' =>

array('className' => 'ShoppingCartProduct',

'dependent' => true));




class ShoppingCartProduct extends AppModel


var $name = 'ShoppingCartProduct';

var $belongsTo = array('ShoppingCart', 'Product', 'Subproduct');



Now when I check the sql generated, I see something unusual which has
driven me crazy.

The SQL it generates is below. I have removed unnecessary fields in
SQL to make the post smaller.

SELECT ShoppingCart.id,


ShoppingCart.offer_id, ShoppingCart.subscription_id,

ShoppingCart.persistent, ShoppingCart.decoration_id,

ShoppingCart.coupon_code, ShoppingCart.coupon_price,

Product.id, Product.active, Product.name,

Product.description, Product.price, Product.quantity,

Product.weight, Product.lead_time, Product.featured,


Product.user_design_id, Product.size_chart,

Product.min_quantity, Product.allow_customization,

Product.gender, Subproduct.id, Subproduct.product_id,

Subproduct.name, Subproduct.price, Subproduct.weight,

Subproduct.quantity, Subproduct.sort, Subproduct.created,

Subproduct.modified, Subproduct.reorder_level,

Subproduct.reorder_quantity, Subproduct.po_comments,

Subproduct.reorder_date, Subproduct.product_code FROM

shopping_cart_products AS **ShoppingCart** LEFT JOIN

shopping_cart_products AS **ShoppingCart** ON

(ShoppingCart.shopping_cart_id = ShoppingCart.id) LEFT JOIN

products AS Product ON (ShoppingCart.product_id =

Product.id) LEFT JOIN subproducts AS Subproduct ON

(ShoppingCart.subproduct_id = Subproduct.id) WHERE

ShoppingCart.session = 68900733 LIMIT 1

Question: Why is the ALIAS of the table shopping_cart_products coming
up as ShoppingCart???

Any ideas?

Any help with this greatly appreciated.


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