On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 4:11 PM, Mariano C. <mariano.calan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have this code, I need (for every page) to read a session, if
> doesn't exist read from a model and then write the session, something
> like:
> ======================
> function beforeFilter()
>    {
>        // read session variable
>        $id = $this->Session->read('editable_season_id');
>        // id doesn't exist
>        if((is_null($id)) || (!is_numeric($id)))
>        {
>            // find it
>            $id = $this->MyModel->getLastSeasonId();
>            $this->Session->write("editable_season_id", $id);
>        }
>     }
> ======================
> If I put it inside appController I can't use $this->MyModel,
> but if I put it inside appModel I can't use $this->Session.
> So.... where I should insert that code???

There's no beforeFilter() in AppModel. That's for client requests. So,
AppController. To get the model, use App::import('model', 'MyModel').

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