Hi all, I'm new to cakephp and very much enjoying learning all about

I want to have a page with two forms on it. The first is to sign up a
new user and the other is just a login form in case the user already
has an account. I created a views/pages/signup.ctp view and put the
forms in there.

I also made the signup form submit to an 'add' action in my
users_controller to do the checking and saving. That had the result of
throwing up errors since I hadn't created an add view. So I redirected
at the end of the add action to pages/signup.ctp so that the form
would appear again. However this meant it didn't show any of my error
messages when for example the users email field was left empty.

So I then created an add view with my two forms in it (exactly the
same as my signup.ctp above) which now displays the error messages,
but unfortunately it displays errors on both of the forms. So when a
user doesn't enter an email address both the forms appear with the
error about not having a valid email address.

Obviously there is a better way of doing this but I'm buggered if I
can find it.

Whats the best was so that I can have these two forms on the one page
and displaying the appropriate error messages on the appropriate form?

thanks in advance

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