It looks like it's because the Auth component only hashes passwords if
the fields are 'username' and 'password' AND the table name is Users.
I had changed the fields in my app_controller $this->Auth->fields
=array('username'=>'email','password'=>'password'); but hadn't changed
the table name.

I couldn't change the table name because I wasn't sure how to change
it on the fly depending on whether it was the RegUser or LoginUser
model I was using. So I had instead to manually hash the password and
the password confirm. Can anyone tell me if I'll run into issues later
on because of this. Should I be just letting the Auth component do
it's work? Will me hashing the passwords manually cause something else
in the auth component not to work?

On Apr 5, 1:13 am, Cara <> wrote:
> Just a thought, did you tryto define the model in the input field of
> your form on add ie. RegUser.password?

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