On Apr 7, 2011, at 12:42, ThunderTD wrote:

> I configured my route similar to one example in the CakePHP Book. I
> want to reach the ArtistsController's view action via the URL
> http://xxx/artists/id. Everything is working fine with the following
> Routes entry and this direction:
> Router::connect('/:language/artists/:id',
> array('controller'=>'artists','action'=>'view'), array('pass' =>
> array('id'), 'language' => '[a-z]{3}','id' => '[0-9]{1}'));
> But what about the proper reverse lookup? If I use the HtmlHelper
> Function Link in the following way:
> $html->link('Artist 2', array( 'controller' => 'artists', 'action' =>
> 'view', 2 )) ,
> the link is resolved to http://xxx/artists/view/2 instead of the
> desired http://xxx/artists/2 .
> Is this the desired behavior?

It doesn't look like you specified the language in the $html->link (properly: 
$this->Html->link) command, and your route does seem to rely on the language 
being set. Did you mean to specify it there, or is it being included by some 
other means that you didn't show?

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