You can use Komodo, but netbeans it's the best option just search in
google how to use it

Helpers autoComplete.

just put a dummy.php file on your views root folder.
     * @var $this View
     * @var $form FormHelper
     * @property HtmlHelper $Html
     * @property FormHelper $Form
     * @property JsHelper $Js
     * @property JavascriptHelper $Javascript
     * @property PaginatorHelper $Paginator
     * @property RssHelper $Rss
     * @property MediaHelper
     * @property FacebookHelper
     * @property SeoHelper
    class ViewCC extends View

    $this = new ViewCC


Inside of each view

<?php /* @var $this ViewCC */ ?>

You can create a view template with <?php /* @var $this ViewCC */ ?>
as content to avoid, write this each time


In app_controller.php , add one line for each  used component
     * @property AuthComponent $Auth
     * @property SessionComponent $Session
     * @property RequestHandlerComponent $RequestHandler
     * @property ConnectComponent $Connect


 on each model put this for each related model
     * @property RelationModelName $RelationModelVar


     * @property ControllerModelName $ControllerModelVar

Just this. you have, all you need in Netbeans,

sorry for the english...

On 14 abr, 18:36, Vinícius Rodrigues <> wrote:
> hi,
> i'm looking for an IDE with support for cakephp ... i use netbeans,
> but i searching for most complete IDE.
> sorry for the english
> thanks

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