Sorry for being a bit of a dumb-ass but I'm trying to learn and have
been looking at this for a couple of days but I'm still not completely
sure how it works. I'm following an offline tutorial about using

the tutorial says do this:
1 - uncomment the admin routing prefix in core.php
2 - add the following to users_controller.php:
        public function dashboard() {
                $role = $this->Auth->user('role');
                if (!empty($role)) {

        public function admin_dashboard() {

        public function manager_dashboard() {

3 - create three views for the above
4 - in app_controller add the authorize and session components with
appropriate settings, then add:
        public function isAuthorized() {
                $role = $this->Auth->user('role');
                $neededRole = null;
                $prefix = !empty($this->params['prefix']) ? $this-
>params['prefix'] : null;
                if (!empty($prefix) && in_array($prefix,
Configure::read('Routing.prefixes'))) {
                        $neededRole = $prefix;
                return (empty($neededRole) || strcasecmp($role, 'admin') == 0 ||
strcasecmp($role, $neededRole) == 0);

5 - in the default layout:
        $dashboardUrl = array('controller'=>'users', 'action'=>'dashboard');
        if (!empty($user['role'])) {
                $dashboardUrl[$user['role']] = true;
        echo $this->Html->link('My Dashboard', $dashboardUrl);

Now the whole thing works and I can follow most of whats going on, but
I'm confused with the last line in the isAuthorized method. What
exactly does return (empty($neededRole) || strcasecmp($role, 'admin')
== 0 || strcasecmp($role, $neededRole) == 0); actually return?

Also, the above code works fine and when I log in as someone who is an
admin they can view the admin_dashboard ok, but there after it seems
any other link has an admin prefix. How do I stop that happening? I
don't want to have to create an admin_ method for everything including
the homepage!

thanks in advance - Cake rules!

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