On 25 April 2017 at 21:10, Jonathan Morton <chromati...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You may see some improvement from wholesale reducing the inbound
> bandwidth, to say 10Mbit.  This is especially true given the high asymmetry
> of your connection, which might require dropped acks upstream to keep
> filled downstream - and dropped acks will tend to increase burstiness of
> sending on unpaced senders.
> You should also try to ensure ECN is fully enabled on your LAN hosts,
> especially the ones running Steam.  This will help to reduce
> retransmissions and loss-recovery cycles.
>  - Jonathan Morton
Well, the only improvement I've seen when limiting the bandwidth with Steam
has been at lower than 1Mbps, don't think I want to go that far. In all
honesty I wouldn't limit it to 10Mbit either, with the overhead it means
half of my total bandwidth, not a trade-off I'm willing to do.

Still, the issue is real and it seems Steam is the only application I can
reproduce it. I've seen reports about Battle.net and Windows Updates doing
the same thing (because they should open multiple concurrent connections),
but I can't reproduce it, at least not in the way Steam does.

Anyway I'm gonna take a "pause" from all of this, I've wasted the last
three weeks ago just for trying resolving it but unfortunately still
nothing. Thanks all for your help, if there's any news I'll report it here.
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