> On 29 Apr, 2017, at 01:26, Andy Furniss <adf.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> As I understand it, increase in RTT due to queueing of packets is
>>>> the main feedback mechanism for BBR. So dropping packets, which I
>>>> already consider harmful, is really harmful with BBR because
>>>> you're not telling the sender to slow down.

Actually, BBR considers mainly a measurement of “delivery rate”, and paces its 
sending to match that.  It does *not* primarily rely on a congestion window as 
most TCPs do; one is provided only as a safety net of last resort.

Measurements of RTT are mostly used for two purposes: to size the congestion 
window so that it doesn’t interfere with normal operation; and to estimate when 
“queue draining” is complete after a bandwidth probe cycle.

>>> If BBR does not slow down when packets are dropped, it's too
>>> hostile to use on a public network. The only way for a public
>>> network to respond to a flood of traffic higher than what it can
>>> handle is to drop packets (with a possible warning via ECN shortly
>>> before packets get dropped). If BBR doesn't slow down, it's just
>>> going to be wasting bandwidth.

>> No it isn't. Packet loss does not equal conguestion - it never did. Dropping 
>> packets to signal congestion is an ugly hack for implementations that are 
>> too dumb to understand any proper congestion
>> control mechanism.
> Hmm, I bet a lot of carrier links are policed rather than smart queue.

Policing should theoretically produce a consistent delivery rate, which is what 
BBR needs to work effectively.  A wrinkle here is that most policers and 
shapers to date rely on a token-bucket algorithm which permits bursts at rates 
well above the policy, and BBR has to attempt to infer the policy rate from the 
medium-term behaviour.

> It also seems (OK one quick possibly flawed test), that bbr ignores ECN
> as well as drops in the sense that marked is just as high as dropped.

Yes, BBR ignores ECN, which I consider to be an unfortunate feature; it could 
quite reasonably be used to terminate bandwidth probes early, before they build 
up a significant queue (which then needs to be drained).

Cake works very well with BBR, provided it is deployed at the upstream end of 
the bottleneck link.  In this position, Cake happily absorbs the temporary 
standing queue caused by bandwidth probes, and the deficit-mode shaper means 
that BBR tends to see a consistent delivery rate, which it considers ideal.  In 
practice it matters little whether the BBR sender negotiates ECN or not, in 
this case.

When deployed at the downstream end of the bottleneck link, Cake works less 
well with BBR - but that’s true to some extent of all TCPs.  In ingress mode, 
at least, dropping packets effectively causes a reduction in the delivery rate, 
which should influence BBR more strongly to correct itself.  But if ECN is 
negotiated, these packet drops do not occur.  In both cases, the temporary 
standing queue collects in the upstream dumb queue, unless Cake is configured 
to a conservative enough margin below the bottleneck rate.  Cake does 
everything it reasonably can here, but the topology is fundamentally 

 - Jonathan Morton

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