On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 1:44 AM Sebastian Moeller <moell...@gmx.de> wrote:

> >>
> >> Example 1: the ADSL modem connects at 18 Mbit/s, but the ISP further
> >> throttles the speed to 15 Mbit/s because that's what the user pays
> >> for, and does so with a shaper that has bufferbloat. Then, the "adsl"
> >> keyword is likely not appropriate, because the ISP's shaper operates
> >> on the IP level. The bandwidth needs to be set slightly below 15
> >> Mbit/s.
>         Let's run the number shall we? I simply make a few assumptions here 
> to get things started, but the exact numbers really do not matter too much. 
> With that said, let's assume TCP/IPv4 and ATM/AAL5, PPPoE, LLC/SNAP, RFC-2684;
> Overhead (bytes): PPP (2), PPPoE (6), Ethernet Header (14), Ethernet PAD [8] 
> (0), ATM LLC (3), ATM SNAP (5), ATM pad (2), ATM AAL5 SAR (8) : Total 40
> Let's see what the link will be able to deliver for "full" MTU 1500 packets 
> (quotes as the MTU1500 will only carry to the PPPoE endpoint, internet MTU is 
> going to be 1492)
> gross-rate * ((payload size) / (on the wire size)) = net speedtest result 
> (let's use this as proxy as this is what people can easily verify/check)
> MTU1500: 18.000 * ((1500-20-20-8) / (ceil((1500-8+40)/48)*53)) = 15.410
> MTU150: 18.000 * ((150-20-20-8) / (ceil((150-8+40)/48)*53)) = 8.66037735849
> MTU75: 18.000 * ((75-20-20-8) / (ceil((75-8+40)/48)*53)) = 3.05660377358
> Now the IP-level shaper at ~80% of the link-speed, if it does not account for 
> the ATM/AAL5 "celling" even if it gets the overhead correctly will give the 
> following:
> MTU1500: 15.000 * ((1500-20-20-8) / (ceil((1500-8+40)/1)*1)) = 14.2167101828
> MTU150: 15.000 * ((150-20-20-8) / (ceil((150-8+40)/1)*1)) = 8.40659340659
> MTU75: 15.000 * ((75-20-20-8) / (ceil((75-8+40)/1)*1)) = 3.78504672897
> So for large enough packets static accounting for ATM/AAL5 works reasonably 
> well, but for small packets it fails.
> That is why most ISP-grade equipment allows not only to configure the 
> per-packet-overhead for end-user links but also can deal with ATM/AAL5. And 
> as far as I understand most competent ISPs actually configure their 
> traffic-shapers for ADSL links to do this, because DSLAMs are really more 
> like L2-switches with fancy media-converters attached and deal not terribly 
> well with overload and queueing into the switch fabric.
> That in turn leads to the following situation:
> MTU1500: 15.000 * ((1500-20-20-8) / (ceil((1500-8+40)/48)*53)) = 12.842
> MTU150: 15.000 * ((150-20-20-8) / (ceil((150-8+40)/48)*53)) = 7.217
> MTU75: 15.000 * ((75-20-20-8) / (ceil((75-8+40)/48)*53)) = 2.547
> which will obviously not cause packet buffering in the DSLAM for any packet 
> size mix the link might encounter. AND that in turn means that the actual 
> bottleneck link (the ISP's traffic shaper) still behaves like it would employ 
> ATM/AAL5 encapsulation, and hence the end-user's SQM instance should do as 
> well.

OK, bad (marginal) example, let's adjust it so that the user pays for
10 Mbit/s. Or replace with a 100BASE-TX link shaped (badly) to 50
Mbit/s by the ISP. The point is that sometimes the ISP shaper is what
matters, and ISPs like to sell bandwidth in packages with round

And, is the accounting for ATM/AAL5 the default on equipment that ISPs
use for ADSL?

P.S. The example actually comes from my experience with the "Globe"
ISP in the Philippines during my trip there - I had to specifically
ask to increase the speed limit, it was initially 10 Mbit/s and then
upgraded to 15 Mbit/s. The modem always connected at 18 - 19 Mbit/s,
and there was a 21 Mbit/s value once (when I connected the modem to
the powerbank during power outage). And I am not sure that we are
always talking about competent ISPs.


> P.S.: I am of the opinion, that 
> https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/traffic-shaping/sqm-details had 
> very sane and un-cargo-culty advice about the overhead topic:
> "Getting [overhead and link layer accounting] exactly right is less important 
> than getting it close, and over-estimating by a few bytes is generally better 
> at keeping bufferbloat down than underestimating. With this in mind, to get 
> started, set the Link Layer Adaptation options based on your connection to 
> the Internet. "
> I am less sure about the paragraph you added recently, as it does not seem to 
> consider all the applicable subtleties.

Should I undo it?

Alexander E. Patrakov
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