On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 12:04 PM Bob McMahon via Make-wifi-fast
<make-wifi-f...@lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:
> Intel has a good analogous video on this with their CPU video here going over 
> branches and failed predictions. And to Stuart's point, the longer pipelines 
> make the forks worse in the amount of in-process bytes that need to be thrown 
> away. Interactivity, in my opinion, suggests shrinking the pipeline because, 
> with networks, there is no quick way to throw away stale data rather every 
> forwarding device continues forward with invalid data. That's bad for the 
> network too, spending resources on something that's no longer valid. We in 
> the test & measurement community never measure this.

One of my all time favorite demos was of stuart's remote desktop
scenario, where he moved the mouse and the window moved with it.

> There have been a few requests that iperf 2 measure the "bytes thrown away" 
> per a fork (user moves a video pointer, etc.) I haven't come up with a good 
> test yet. I'm still trying to get basic awareness about existing latency, OWD 
> and responsiveness metrics. I do think measuring the amount of resources 
> spent on stale data is sorta like food waste, few really pay attention to it.
> Bob
> FYI, iperf 2 supports TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT for those interested.
> --tcp-write-prefetch n[kmKM]
> Set TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT on the socket and use event based writes per select() 
> on the socket.
> On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 11:32 AM Stuart Cheshire via Make-wifi-fast 
> <make-wifi-f...@lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:
>> On 20 Oct 2022, at 02:36, Sebastian Moeller <moell...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> > Hi Stuart,
>> >
>> > [SM] That seems to be somewhat optimistic. We have been there before, 
>> > short of mandating actually-working oracle schedulers on all end-points, 
>> > intermediate hops will see queues some more and some less transient. So we 
>> > can strive to minimize queue build-up sure, but can not avoid queues and 
>> > long queues completely so we need methods to deal with them gracefully.
>> > Also not many applications are actually helped all that much by letting 
>> > information get stale in their own buffers as compared to an on-path 
>> > queue. Think an on-line reaction-time gated game, the need is to 
>> > distribute current world state to all participating clients ASAP.
>> I’m afraid you are wrong about this. If an on-line game wants low delay, the 
>> only answer is for it to avoid generating position updates faster than the 
>> network carry them. One packet giving the current game player position is 
>> better than a backlog of ten previous stale ones waiting to go out. Sending 
>> packets faster than the network can carry them does not get them to the 
>> destination faster; it gets them there slower. The same applies to frames in 
>> a screen sharing application. Sending the current state of the screen *now* 
>> is better than having a backlog of ten previous stale frames sitting in 
>> buffers somewhere on their way to the destination. Stale data is not 
>> inevitable. Applications don’t need to have stale data if they avoid 
>> generating stale data in the first place.
>> Please watch this video, which explains it better than I can in a written 
>> email:
>> <https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2015/719/?time=892>
>> Stuart Cheshire
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