On Monday 14 April 2014 10:20 PM, Morgen Sagen wrote:
On Apr 13, 2014, at 9:27 PM, Rahul Amaram <amaramra...@users.sourceforge.net> 

I am trying to push Calendarserver 5.x into Ubuntu Trusty (due to release on 
April 17). While testing I have found two issues. Any help to have them 
resolved would be great.

1. Earlier, for XML entries, I have distributed a sample accounts.xml file with 
the guid same as the uid (for ex. admin, test, etc.). However, with 
calendarserver 5.x, I can see that these kind of guids are considered invalid. 
Now, I figured out that the valid guid can be generated from the function 
'str(uuid4()).upper()'. But how do I migrate the data from older guids to the 
newer guids? Is there any database update command that I can run?

The behavior you’re describing is not in a 5.x release, it’s only on trunk 
right now.  We’ll sort out a way to upgrade data in the 6.x release.
Ok. So, is there any workaround (easy or difficult) for users who are now using xml directory with invalid guids? I mean as soon as they upgrade to 5.x from 3.x or 2.x, all their data would no longer be accessible. What can be done to fix this?

One workaround that I could think of is to comment out the line "assert len(name) > 4, ..." in twistedcaldav/directory/common.py while compiling but I am not sure if it is such a good idea.

Kindly advise on what is the best approach.

2. Next, I have observed that for calendarserver 5.x, tasks are disabled when I 
access the calendar from Thunderbird. I am not sure if tasks have been disabled 
upstream or whether there is some compatibility issue with Thunderbird & Apple 

VTODOs (tasks) have been split out into separate calendar collections, so you 
probably just need to add the “tasks” calendar to your client as well.

What would the url be like? For calendar, I have been using http://calenarserver:8008/calendars/users/<user>/calendar/.

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