So, finally I've got to start calendarserver without errors. The problem though is that it doesn't seem to bind to any ports. I am attaching the caldavd.plist and error.log for reference.

Kindly help debug.



2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] Log opened.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [] twistd 15.2.1 (/usr/bin/python2.7 2.7.10) starting up.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [] reactor class: twisted.internet.epollreactor.EPollReactor.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] ControlSocket starting on '/var/run/caldavd/caldavd.sock'
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseSchemaStep#warn] Beginning database schema check.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseSchemaStep#warn] Required database key VERSION: 58.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseSchemaStep#warn] Actual database key VERSION: 58.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseSchemaStep#warn] Schema version check complete: no upgrade needed.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseSchemaStep#warn] Database schema check complete.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseAddressBookDataStep#warn] Beginning database addressbook data check.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseAddressBookDataStep#warn] Required database key ADDRESSBOOK-DATAVERSION: 2.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseAddressBookDataStep#warn] Actual database key ADDRESSBOOK-DATAVERSION: 2.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseAddressBookDataStep#warn] Addressbook data version check complete: no upgrade needed.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseAddressBookDataStep#warn] Database addressbook data check complete.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseCalendarDataStep#warn] Beginning database calendar data check.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseCalendarDataStep#warn] Required database key CALENDAR-DATAVERSION: 6.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseCalendarDataStep#warn] Actual database key CALENDAR-DATAVERSION: 6.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseCalendarDataStep#warn] Calendar data version check complete: no upgrade needed.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseCalendarDataStep#warn] Database calendar data check complete.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseNotificationDataStep#warn] Beginning database notification data check.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseNotificationDataStep#warn] Required database key NOTIFICATION-DATAVERSION: 1.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseNotificationDataStep#warn] Actual database key NOTIFICATION-DATAVERSION: 1.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseNotificationDataStep#warn] Notification data version check complete: no upgrade needed.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseNotificationDataStep#warn] Database notification data check complete.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseOtherStep#warn] Beginning database other upgrades check.
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseOtherStep#warn] No dropbox migration - managed attachments not enabled
2015-10-15 13:48:47+0530 [-] [txdav.common.datastore.upgrade.sql.upgrade.UpgradeDatabaseOtherStep#warn] Database other upgrades check complete.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    Copyright (c) 2006-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "";>
<plist version="1.0">

        Public network address information

        This is the server's public network address, which is provided to
        clients in URLs and the like.  It may or may not be the network
        address that the server is listening to directly, though it is by
        default.  For example, it may be the address of a load balancer or
        proxy which forwards connections to the server.

    <!-- Network host name [empty = system host name] -->
    <string></string> <!-- The hostname clients use when connecting -->

    <!-- HTTP port [0 = disable HTTP] -->

    <!-- SSL port [0 = disable HTTPS] -->
    <!-- (Must also configure SSLCertificate and SSLPrivateKey below) -->


    <!-- Redirect non-SSL ports to an SSL port (if configured for SSL) -->

        Network address configuration information

        This configures the actual network address that the server binds to.

    <!-- List of IP addresses to bind to [empty = all] -->

    <!-- List of port numbers to bind to for HTTP [empty = same as "Port"] -->

    <!-- List of port numbers to bind to for SSL [empty = same as "SSLPort"] -->

        Data Store

    <!-- Server root -->

    <!-- Database connection -->

    <!-- Data root -->

    <!-- Document root -->

    <!-- Configuration root -->

    <!-- Run root -->

    <!-- Child aliases -->

        Quotas and limits

    <!-- User quota (in bytes) [0 = no quota] applies to attachments only -->
    <integer>104857600</integer> <!-- 100Mb -->

    <!-- Maximum size for a single attachment (in bytes) [0 = no limit] -->
    <integer>10485760</integer> <!-- 10Mb -->

    <!-- Maximum number of calendars/address books allowed in a home -->
    <!-- 0 for no limit -->

    <!-- Maximum number of resources in a calendar/address book -->
    <!-- 0 for no limit -->

    <!-- Maximum resource size (in bytes) -->
    <integer>1048576</integer> <!-- 1Mb -->

    <!-- Maximum number of unique attendees per entire event -->
    <!-- 0 for no limit -->

    <!-- Maximum number of instances allowed during expansion -->
    <!-- 0 for no limit -->

        Directory service

        A directory service provides information about principals (eg.
        users, groups, locations and resources) to the server.

        A variety of directory services are available for use.

    <!-- XML File Directory Service -->

    <!-- Open Directory Service (Mac OS X) -->

    <!-- NSS Directory Service -->
    <!-- Groups starting with groupPrefix are considered calendarserver groups -->
    <!-- Don't treat user id's smaller than firstValidUid as calendarserver users -->
    <!-- Don't treat group id's smaller than firstValidGid as calendarserver groups -->
    <!-- use shortName@mailDomain as calender user mail addresses -->

        <string>Test Realm</string>

    <!--  OpenLDAP Directory Service -->


    <!-- Resource and Location Service -->


        Special principals

        These principals are granted special access and/or perform
        special roles on the server.

    <!-- Principals with "DAV:all" access (relative URLs) -->
      <!-- <string>/principals/__uids__/AEB68DD7-D2B8-4D4D-A574-2A4533DF36A4/</string> -->

    <!-- Principals with "DAV:read" access (relative URLs) -->
      <!-- <string>/principals/__uids__/983C8238-FB6B-4D92-9242-89C0A39E5F81/</string> -->

    <!-- Create "proxy access" principals -->


    <!-- Anonymous read access for root resource -->

    <!-- Anonymous read access for resource hierarchy -->

    <!-- Enables directory listings for principals -->

    <!-- Render calendar collections as a monolithic iCalendar object -->



      <!-- Clear text; best avoided -->
        <!-- Set to false to disallow plaintext authentication over non-SSL -->

      <!-- Digest challenge/response -->

      <!-- Kerberos/SPNEGO -->



    <!-- Log root -->

    <!-- Apache-style access log -->

    <!-- Server activity log -->

    <!-- Log levels -->
    <string>debug</string> <!-- debug, info, warn, error -->

    <!-- Server process ID file -->


    <!-- Public key -->

    <!-- SSL authority chain (for intermediate certs) -->

    <!-- Private key -->

        Process management




      <integer>0</integer> <!-- 0 = automatic -->


      <!-- Time spent coalescing notifications before delivery -->

          <!-- XMPP notification service -->

          <!-- XMPP host and port to contact -->

          <!-- Jabber ID and password for the server -->

          <!-- PubSub service address -->

        Server-to-server protocol


      <!-- CalDAV protocol options -->

      <!-- iSchedule protocol options -->

      <!-- iMIP protocol options -->
          <string></string> <!-- Address email will be sent from -->
          <string></string> <!-- Either "pop" or "imap" -->


        Free-busy URL protocol


        Non-standard CalDAV extensions

    <!-- Private Events -->

    <!-- Shared Calendars & Address Books -->

        Miscellaneous items

    <!-- Web-based administration -->

    <!-- Memcached -->

    <!-- Do not split calendars and tasks -->


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