Hi Atli,

--On February 24, 2014 at 4:53:03 PM +0000 Atli Thorbjornsson <atlith...@gmail.com> wrote:

From the client browser I can see that the proxies are stored under eg.


If I am user09 can I dynamically add other users to these resources via
http or do these proxies have to be set up beforehand via the directory

Can I add groups to these proxies instead of users? So an "admin-group"
belongs to calendar-proxy-write instead of constantly making sure all
admins are in there?

The calendar-proxy-write and calendar-proxy-read "sub-principal" resources are in effect "groups". So If user09 wants to make user10 a read-write proxy, all they need to do is add user10 to the DAV:group-member-set WebDAV property of the user09 calendar-proxy-write resource. So a simple PROPPATCH:

PROPPATCH /principals/users/user09/calendar-proxy-write HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<D:propertyupdate xmlns:D="DAV:">

Note that you have to re-write the DAV:group-member-set each time, so you need to get the existing list first and make changes to that as a whole, then update the entire list via the PROPPATCH.

And yes, our server does support adding group principals into the DAV:group-member-set property and the server takes care of automatically "expanding" that and effectively making all members of that group a proxy for the relevant user.

Cyrus Daboo

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