Please note each can client create its own set of groups.

On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 1:20 PM, Gaurav Jain <> wrote:

> My use case is as follows:
> * iCal client
> * CalServer-5.2.2
> * client has a local cache of its 'group memberships'
> * client wants to schedule an event for group 'group01'
> * Before it can do so, client need to make sure that it is *still* a
> member of 'group01'
> * client treats CalServer as source of truth
> * So it asks for its group memberships from the server before it can
> create an event.
> Hence I was looking for a REST api to get the same from Calendar Server.
> On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Cyrus Daboo <> wrote:
>> Hi Gaurav,
>> --On December 5, 2014 at 1:05:03 PM -0800 Gaurav Jain <
>>> wrote:
>>  Please see my output below. I did get memberships for 'user01' mentioned
>>> in group record 'disabledgroup'
>> OK, so what is going on here is that we have a special group membership
>> caching strategy. Basically, because the number of groups in an
>> organization can be large, we do not iterate all groups and cache
>> membership. Instead we look for which groups are referenced as calendar
>> proxies or other relevant ways, and then only cache membership for those.
>> So, if you look at user20 you will see them listed in group05 because
>> group05 is used as a proxy.
>> What exactly are you trying to do with groups?
>> --
>> Cyrus Daboo
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