>From Server logs:

2014-12-06 11:12:04-0800 [-] [caldav-3]  [-]
[txdav.who.groups.GroupCacher#info] There are 1 group delegates
2014-12-06 11:12:04-0800 [-] [caldav-3]  [-]
[txdav.who.groups.GroupCacher#info] There are 0 group attendees
2014-12-06 11:12:04-0800 [-] [caldav-3]  [-]
[txdav.who.groups.GroupCacher#info] There are 0 group sharees
2014-12-06 11:17:05-0800 [-] [caldav-3]  [-]
[txdav.who.groups.GroupCacher#info] There are 1 group delegates
2014-12-06 11:17:05-0800 [-] [caldav-3]  [-]
[txdav.who.groups.GroupCacher#info] There are 0 group attendees
2014-12-06 11:17:05-0800 [-] [caldav-3]  [-]
[txdav.who.groups.GroupCacher#info] There are 0 group sharees

On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 11:11 AM, Gaurav Jain <monkeyfd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Tried as suggested but still no expansion with CalenderServer-6.0. It does
> get *created* for the '*organizer*'
> .*plist*
>     <key>GroupAttendees</key>
>     <dict>
>       <key>Enabled</key>
>       <true/>
> *.xml*
> <record type="user">
>     <uid>50000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000011</uid>
>     <guid>50000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000011</guid>
>     <short-name>cdaboo</short-name>
>     <password>test</password>
>     <full-name>Cyrus Daboo</full-name>
>     <email>cda...@example.com</email>
> </record>
> <record type="user">
>     <uid>50000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021</uid>
>     <guid>50000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021</guid>
>     <short-name>sagen</short-name>
>     <password>test</password>
>     <full-name>Morgen Sagen</full-name>
>     <email>sa...@example.com</email>
> </record>
> <record type="group">
>     <uid>20000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000222</uid>
>     <guid>20000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000222</guid>
>     <short-name>groupgj</short-name>
>     <full-name>Group GJ</full-name>
>     <email>grou...@example.com</email>
>     <member-uid>50000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000011</member-uid>
>     <member-uid>50000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021</member-uid>
> </record>
> *Server Accounting logs*
> UID:3DDE9C70-C7AC-4887-9895-7BFFF81B1A04
> ORGANIZER;ROLE=CHAIR:urn:uuid:50000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021
> SUMMARY:will never work
> DTSTAMP:20141206T200800Z
> CREATED:20141206T190901Z
> DTSTART:20141206T190800Z
> DTEND:20141206T200800Z
> LOCATION:will never work
>  PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION:urn:uuid:20000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000222
> >>>> Request complete at: 1417892941.448 (elapsed: 1.0 ms)
> <<<< Response sending at: 1417892941.511 (elapsed: 64.5 ms)
> HTTP/1.1 201 Created
> Content-Length: 0
> Server: Twisted/13.2.0 TwistedWeb/9.0.0
> Last-Modified: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 19:09:01 GMT
> Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 19:09:01 GMT
> DAV: 1, access-control, calendar-access, calendar-schedule,
> calendar-auto-schedule, calendar-availability, inbox-availability,
> calendar-proxy, calendarserver-private-events,
> calendarserver-private-comments, calendarserver-sharing,
> calendarserver-sharing-no-scheduling, calendar-query-extended,
> calendar-default-alarms, calendar-managed-attachments,
> calendarserver-partstat-changes, calendar-no-timezone,
> calendarserver-recurrence-split, addressbook, extended-mkcol,
> calendarserver-principal-property-search, calendarserver-principal-search,
> calendarserver-home-sync
> Schedule-Tag: 8be10fb8-afdc-4ac4-b543-9a58b1fe2d64
> Connection: close
> Is something missing?
> I am running with the above configuration with out-of-the-box source (I
> have not done any code changes to server)
> Regards,
> On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 8:08 AM, Gaurav Jain <monkeyfd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks. I will try.
>> EXPAND I found some discussions online referring to it.
>> On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 7:29 AM, Cyrus Daboo <cda...@apple.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Gaurav,
>>> --On December 5, 2014 at 10:14:29 PM -0800 Gaurav Jain <
>>> monkeyfd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  However server did not expand the group and did not create for 'eteffl'
>>> The automatic group expansion feature is only available in the newest
>>> server releases. Use the tags/release/CalendarServer-6.0 release and
>>> make sure the GroupAttendees item in the plist is enabled.
>>>  I also tried to set 'EXPAND = 1' on event as seen below but it did not
>>>> help.
>>> I have no idea what the EXPAND property is - neither does the server.
>>> --
>>> Cyrus Daboo
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