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Subject: Notice of Availability T-17548 CASF Inyo Networks Digital 299 Project
Date:   Fri, 23 Dec 2016 23:15:05 +0000
From:   TD_AR <td...@cpuc.ca.gov>
To:     'kh...@fire2wire.com' <kh...@fire2wire.com>

NOATemplate Sample

STATE OF CALIFORNIAEdmund G. Brown Jr.,/Governor///



SAN FRANCISCO, CA  94102-3298

December 23, 2016



To: Parties on the CASF Distribution (Service) List <ftp://ftp.cpuc.ca.gov/Telco/CASF/CASFdistributionlist.xlsx>*__*


*Resolution T-17548* <http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/SearchRes.aspx?docformat=ALL&DocID=171594242>*: Approval of funding for the grant application of Inyo Networks, Inc. (U-7159C) from the California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) in the amount of $41,780,141 for the Digital 299 middle-mile broadband project, **which will serve CASF “priority areas.” *

The following resolution will be on the agenda of the Commission’s February 9, 2016, meeting:

Resolution T-17548, if adopted, approves funding in the amount of $41,780,141 from the California Advanced Service Fund (CASF) for the grant application of Inyo Networks, Inc. (Inyo) to construct the Digital 299 Broadband Project (Digital 299), which includes both middle-mile and last-mile facilities. The proposed project will provide high-capacity backhaul infrastructure and interconnection points to communities along the California State Route 299 (Highway 299) corridor. Additionally, Digital 299 will directly connect 307 underserved households to last-mile Internet services capable of 1 Gbps symmetrical throughput using underground and aerial fiber facilities, with as many as 117 schools, colleges, research institutions, hospitals, clinics, public safety, tribal lands, and other Community Anchor Institutions (CAI) also able to take advantage of such connections. The project area covers almost 2,400 square miles of rural Northern California between Redding and the California coast, encompassing portions of Shasta, Trinity, and Humboldt counties.

This draft resolution is available at the Commission’s website at www.cpuc.ca.gov <http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/>. On *February 9, 2017*, the Commission may vote on this resolution or it may postpone votes until later. When the Commission votes on a draft resolution, it may adopt all or part of it as written, amend or modify it, or set it aside and prepare a different resolution. Only when the Commission acts does a resolution become binding on the parties. The conformed resolution, when adopted by the Commission, will be available at the same website.


Pursuant to Public Utilities (PU) Code 311 (g), the above-identified draft resolution is available for public comments. Comments should be focused on factual, legal, and/or technical errors in the draft resolution. Comments must be limited to five pages in length and shall include a subject index listing the recommendations to the draft resolution, a table of authorities, and an appendix setting forth the proposed revised findings and ordering paragraphs.

The date of submission is the date the comments are received by the Communications Division. Parties must serve a copy of their comments on each party set forth on the service list attached to the draft resolution on the same date that the comments are submitted to the Communications Division.

*Comments must be submitted no later than January 30, 2017, which is 10 days before the February 9, 2017, Commission Meeting*.

Late-filed opening comments and/or reply comments will ordinarily be rejected. However, in extraordinary circumstances, a request for leave to submit comments or replies late may be filed together with proposed comments/replies. An accompanying declaration under penalty of perjury shall be submitted setting forth all the reasons for the late submission.

/s/ Michael Amato

Michael Amato, Director

Communications Division



I certify that I have, by e-mail, this day served a copy of a notice letter informing the service list for Resolution T-17548, of the availability of this draft Resolution for public comments at the Commission's web site http://www.cpuc.ca.gov.

December 23, 2016, at San Francisco, California

/s/ Taylor Cheim

Taylor Cheim

California mailing list

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