Ok, so I thought I had a process for committing to Apache git that works.
 But, since I can't seem to cleanly submit to the mobile-spec repo I am
going to publicly admit my ignorance and ask for clarification.

My local clone of mobile spec was a mess so I created it again.

I cloned my fork of apache-cordova-mobile-spec  - this gives me a remote
named origin
I create a remote named apache to
pull apache master to get everything up to date
push origin master so that is up to date
fetch origin mediaErr (an existing branch with work I want to commit) -
that creates a mediaErr branch on my local clone
checkout mediaErr
log -5  to verify the log shows the commit I want to push to master
checkout master
merge mediaErr
push apache master - this commits my media change with the original date
(March 20) and the commit comment shows "merge branch mediaErr".  Is this
right?  Not sure how else I would have gotten the media change committed?
Should I have created a new comment?

any explanation appreciated,

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