On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Joni Rustulka <j...@adobe.com> wrote:

> Sorry to be the downer brand police, but changing the logo in anyway is a
> big no-no.

So, for clarification, the icon in question with the "Tizen" eyes is here:


The same icon, as proudly displayed here:


Is that icon not licensed under the Apache license?  If so, seems like a
stretch to say it can't be changed.

On the other hand, I'm not sure I want people "customizing" the icon
either, within the project.  Everyone'll want a customized icon for their
platform, and then we start wondering "are we infringing on the platform's
iconography", etc.

I suppose we should have some kind of a statement as to how our artwork
can/should be used, modified, etc, if it's for some reason different than
the Apache license.

Patrick Mueller

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