On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Gord Tanner <g...@tinyhippos.com> wrote:

> My main idea with sweet.js would be to replace a couple of the build time

transforms we already do in cordova.js:
> module.exports = {
> };
> to
> define("filename", function (require, define, module) {
>     module.exports = {
>     };
> };

So convert a node.js styled module, into an AMD-styled one, using macros,
instead of the bit-o'code that we already have.  Not sure there's enough
bang for the buck there.

> as well as the version number updating.

Ya, maybe.  So we have some macro that looks like a function invocation,
which maybe at dev time reads a file, but we "compile" at build time into a
string literal.  My previous experience with such things is that you need
to make the name of the macro (in this case) very obvious that it's
something replaced at compile/build-time, otherwise it's difficult to tell
what's going on if you just look at the code.

The easiest way to play with this is to have the pre-compiled source code
also be valid JS code, so it will basically work when you run the
pre-compiled version.

It is just a thought but would be nice to use macros to handle those
> transforms and maybe start adding some ES Harmony style macro's to
> cordova.js (Just for our code, not leaking into user code yet).
> for example:
> var foo = {func: (a) => { return a + 1; }};

This violates the "allow the pre-compiled version to still run as JS", so
I'd say "yeah, maybe in the future, once we're happy with infesting our
code with macros".

Patrick Mueller

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