Hi All!  I am working on a dance to call for a special occasion.  It needs to 
be “play friendly” - that is, a dance where the figures facilitate partner 
swapping.  Figures I was given to work with are allemandes in the center 
(either gender role), heys, shadows, petronellas and LLFB next to your partner 
(not necessarily including all of those figures, of course).  I am wondering if 
this dance has already been written by someone else?  Also, those of you who 
like to play, would this dance work well?  Is it too weird to have the full hey 
cross the phrase?  Is it awkward to get into Long Lines from the Hey?  I am not 
sure I love the B1 part. Thanks for your feedback in advance!

Jean Gorrindo

(as yet untitled) - Becket

A1      (8) Ladies allemande R 1 1/2
        (8) Neighbor swing

A2      (8) Left diagonal chain to Shadow
        (8) Begin a full hey, Ladies passing R

B1      (8) Finish the hey
        (8) LLFB - on the way back Gent’s role Shadow away with a half-sashay 
to face Partner

B2      (16) Partner B&S - slide left to new Neighbors
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