I've tried calling two squares lately, one at each of the last two Northern Spy dances, in Norwich, VT, where my calling teacher, David Millstone graciously let me take a try at the microphone. I have to say that I loved the squares, maybe more than the contras! After being hugely intimidated (you can't even imagine) I found them to be just a blast. I like that I get to invent sequences of figures for the opening, break and closing and I like that I get to call all the way through rather than just the first part of the dance because calling is so much fun. I did simple ones: a variation David helped me to work out of the Simple Square that's found in New England Dance Masters Chimes of Dunkirk book in May and in June, just last weekend on a sweltering night, Cumberland Square 8, which David taught me.

Simple Square went nearly perfectly (a huge thrill), with it's fun trick of first having one couple "back to back, separate round the outside track", then after they've all done it and after a break, surprising them by having two couples go at once, then all four couples. My experience with Cumberland Square 8 wasn't as smooth, mostly, I think, because I wasn't as prepared and was very distracted by my daughter's graduation weekend and all that went with that. I had planned to have the heads go first on the figure for the first two times, then surprise them by having the sides go first after the break. But then I forgot to do the break (argh) and was already into having the heads go first on my third time through the figure before I realized what had happened. The good thing was that I, as David says, "didn't have a meltdown" and was able to improvise a way out of it and the band somehow figured out that I was doing one less time through the tune and the whole thing felt smooth and the dancers were none the wiser. Whew! In retrospect, it feels great.

If you want to do these dances and can't find them, let me know and I can type in my directions.
Good luck!
Delia Clark

On Jun 13, 2005, at 11:39 PM, Chris Weiler wrote:

Hi Tom,

I haven't collected any as of yet (except the ones in the reference books that I've bought). I do plan to call them and have signed up for the Square Dance Callers course at Pinewoods next month. I'm really looking forward to working with Kathy Anderson.

One of the things that was reported back to me from the N. Whitefield dance (I'm still working on the full e-mail to the group) was that the person thought I lacked some variety in my program. I'm thinking that it has to do with my limitations as far as formations go. Putting a couple of squares in the evening breaks things up nicely.


Tom Hinds wrote:

I wanted to know what people think of squares. Have any of you collected any good ones? Do any of the new callers plan to include one in their programs in the future?
Tom Hinds

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Today's Topics:

  1. Re: Gorham, New Hampshire new venue (Chris Weiler)

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Message: 1
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 16:54:12 -0400
From: Chris Weiler <chris.wei...@weirdtable.org>
Subject: Re: [Callers] Gorham, New Hampshire new venue
To: Marlena Schilke <mschi...@gmail.com>
Cc: call...@sharedweight.net
<OF8D6D10C1.155C9DCE-ON8525701C.0072D3A5 -8525701c.0072d...@weirdtable.org>

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Unfortunately, it's just too little notice, so I can't help you out. I am copying the SharedWeight list just in case one of the callers on there SharedWeight people: If you're looking to gain experience, and you're ready for it, jumping on an opportunity like this is a great way to do

  -----Marlena Schilke <mschilke@gmail.c
    To: Chris Weiler <chris.wei...@weirdtable.org>
Date: 06/10/2005 04:31P Subject: Re: [Callers] Gorham, New Hampshire new venue
    Hello Chris,
    Harry Brauser, our schedule     health
problems, and cannot make it tomorrow for our small develo at
-- On 4/29/05, Chris Weiler <Chris.Weiler@weirdtable > Hi Marlena,
    >  Sorry, I c     dances this
    > summer     >
    >  Thanks!
    >  Chris


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End of Callers Digest, Vol 10, Issue 1

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Delia Clark
PO Box 45
Taftsville, VT 05073

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