Greetings Callers,
Esp those who are relatively new to calling and those who have never
been to the 
Ralph Page Weekend in Durham NH. If you have a chance in the future,
jump at it!
As I found out, once I stepped out of the role of  dancer, and really
watched and listened... the weekend is geared to callers. Not only do
they bring in the best callers (Tod Whittemore, Lisa Greenleaf, Linda
Leslie, David Millstone and others), the weekend offers very informative
caller wkshps and the chance to take the stage and do some calling in 
front of a friendly crowed. 
If you wish your calling can be critiqued by fellow callers (a great way
to hone your skills!)
This is something I have not found at other festivals in my area.
Watching Tod and Lisa do their stuff is a thrill! They both are so easy
on stage (lots of playing with the crowed)
But they are true professionals that just don't miss a beat.
All in all a great time! Give it a try
Hope to hear you soon,
Gale Wood

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