No one would ever say I am humble. However, if I may humbly recommend my
own site, it has a few handouts and other stuff:


The synopsis of the page:


Included below are various handouts I use at calling workshops. Feel
free to download, read, comment back. If you reuse, please give credit.
They are living documents, so don't be surprised if you see changes over
the years. I welcome your suggestions, ideas, and smart remarks.


Basically, though, they can be summed up in a very brief format. The
secret to being a good caller:


    * Keep the dances accessible to the majority of your dancers

    * Keep the teaching and non-dancing talk short

    * Smile and emanate joy


      Everything else is fine-tuning.

      Dance long, improper!


      Seth Tepfer


These handouts are in PDF format. Email me if you have trouble opening
them. Typos, inaccuracies, and outright fabrications are guaranteed. If
you find something you think ought to be corrected, please tell me!

*       The Beginners Workshop
*       Programming an evening
*       Programming an evening, part 2
*       Checklist for a gig
*       The walkthrough
*       Calling for Non Dancers
*       The Big Picture
*       What kind of caller are you?
*       Take the online quiz!
        Some dances for you to start calling with 
*       Fun contra dances for a mixed crowd
*       Interesting contra dances for Novice Callers
*       Groovin' contras to end an evening
*       No brainers
<>  - surefire
dances to have in your back pocket in case of a busload of new dancers
walk in, or after muffing a walkthrough 
*       Dances for NonDancers



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of William Watson
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 6:33 PM
To: Caller's discussion list
Subject: [Callers] New callers material?




I've been asked to lead a short workshop session for folks possibly

interested in starting calling.  While I have a number of handouts from

callers' sessions at different camps I've attended, I don't really feel

I should hand out copies of those notes.  I've started pulling together

material of my own, but thought I'd ask the list members if they know of

materials already on-line.   I did check the "contra dance links" page,

a quick scan, and picked a few items from the list to include on mine.


If you want to see what I have so far, you can look here:<



Please let me know of any materials you found helpful when starting, or

you recommend I suggest to new callers.






William J. Watson


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