Hi Parker,

It looks like you've got it right. Here is how I break it out:

Balance the wave R/L (4)
Allemande R half way and reform the wavy circle (4)
Balance the wave L/R (4)
Allemande L half way and reform the wavy circle (4)
Balance the wave R/L (4)
Allemande R 1x (4 or 5)
Allemande L 1 1/2 times (7 or 8)
Partners balance and swing (4+12)
Promenade around the circle (14)
Partners drop R hands and reform the circle. Old partner is in left hand, new partner in right. (2)

Sorry, I don't know the dance name or author. I do remember dancing this a couple of times, though. It's nice that you swing the person you ask to dance before leaving them unlike so many other mixers.

I also haven't put together any medleys yet, so can't help you there. Do make sure that you think through the transition between the dances very carefully and the phrasing that you will use to teach the new dance. Make sure that all of your dances are dead simple!

Good Luck!
Chris Weiler
Goffstown, NH


Over the last few weeks I 've come across some questions related to calling and 
I though I'd combine a couple in one note rather than inflict two messages on 
everyone.  Comments on either or both are appreciated.

1. I have run into the following mixer dance and I'm not sure how best to call it. I don't know the name and author or I'd ask him/her. The problem is that no beat counts or A1-A2-B1-B2 divisions were given.
The formation is a wavy circle with gents facing in, ladies facing out, 
partners by the right.  The moves are:

Balance the wave R/L
Allemande R half way and reform the wavy circle
Balance the wave L/R
Allemande L half way and reform the wavy circle
Balance the wave R/L
Allemande R 1x
Allemande L 1 1/2 times
Partners balance and swing
Promenade around the circle
Partners drop R hands and reform the circle.  Old partner is in left hand, new 
partner in right.

The problem is I can't make the timing look right.  The first five moves look 
to all be four beat moves, but then there are 12 beats left for the allemande R 
1x and allemande L 1 1/2.  If not, moves are falling across the phrase.

Has anyone tried this dance or know anything about it? I'm thinking that drop the third balancing of the wave would work best, but that means a half allemande, full allemande, and 1 1/2 allemande consecutively.
2. I'm at the point where I want to try calling a dance medley.  Any thoughts 
on good combinations to start with?  What coordination do you do with the band 
ahead of time?


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