I'll take a crack at it <G>. Think of a standard becket: Couple facing
couple in long lines. Put two of these lines next to each other. This is one
set. As in any 4 face 4 style dance, there are four couples in a sub-set.
Of these four couples, two couples are back to back in the middle. These are
the ones. The two couples facing into the center of the set are twos. The
ones will progress down, the twos will progress up.

The casts are solo walk arounds. Rather like a gypsy with the other person
not participating. So in A1, the ones will split the couple they are facing,
walk around the closest person and come back into the center to make a star
with the other number one couple.

Ladies chain with a power turn is a regular ladies chain, but the courtesy
turn is once and a half so you end up facing away from the couple you did
the chain with instead of toward them. If you are of a generation who has
never seen a courtesy turn, get a geezer to show you <G>.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: callers-boun...@sharedweight.net [mailto:callers-
> boun...@sharedweight.net] On Behalf Of crunchym...@juno.com
> Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 11:28 AM
> To: call...@sharedweight.net
> Subject: [Callers] ? on 4 face 4 and double becket dances
> I've been calling a couple of 4 face 4 dances to good reviews- Mark
> Widmer's "This Dance Has No Title" - the variation by Bob Isaacs- and
> Seth Tepfer's "Color Outside the Lines"
> One of our regular dancers who is into the 4f4's suggested I look up
> Pat Shaw's K&E. Some searching revealed the steps, but I have no idea
> what it means. Anyone with experience calling this dance, or who could
> explain double becket formation, how the splitting and casting off
> works,  or the power turn on the ladies chain?
> Also does anyone else have a favorite 4f4 formation dance to share?
> TIA!
> K&E by Pat Shaw- formation Double Becket
> 1's are in the middle and progress down, 2's are on the ends and
> progress up
> A1: 1's split the 2's, cast back to place, end facing the other 1's(8)
>     1's only- Right hand star, back to your 2's (8)
> A2: 2's split the ones and cast back to place (8)
> Same four (1's w/ 2's): Left hand star (8)
> B1: 1's only- Ladies chain with power turn - face out (8)
> Ones with the twos: Ladies chain (8)
> B2: Same four: Circle left ¾ (8)
> 1's Circle left ¾ and move down a little while 2's Swing
> and move up (8)
> -Alison Murphy
> Memphis TN
> "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
> tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."
> ~Samuel Adams
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