Hi David and All --

As David knows, I'm a caller on the newer end of the spectrum. I would love a workshop on triplets and chestnuts. I picked up your book and since I haven't danced many of the dances and the formats are new to me (and the crowds that I call to), a session dancing them and learning how to call them would be really helpful. I don't yet "get" triplets, and knowing how to do them would solve an occasional issue of calling dances for a very small crowd.

I'm a birder. When I look at a bird and try to identify it, I'm parsing out the features (beak type, size, flight pattern, etc) and then there is that ahah moment when the bird is identified. I'm still waiting for that to happen for me with contras -- I can imagine that there is a pattern to clusters of them. Maybe this is something that can only be felt and not taught, but if there are any useful tips on how you "recognize" a dance I would find that useful. I'm thinking it will help me with putting down the card and calling from memory.

Count me in!

Nancy Turner
Waitsfield VT

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