All this talk of Squares, and with Ralph Page weekend and all
reminded me that I found this on the web:
for all you Rabbit fans:
(we should always listen to the caller!)
the scene: 2 mountain gents trying to get the best of Bugs
of course Bugs turns the tables.....

Bugs Bunnys Square

Promenade across the floor. Sashay right on out the door.
Out the door and into the glade and everybody promenade.
Step right up you're doing fine.
I'll pull your beard you'll pull mine.
Yank it again like you did before.
Break it up with a tug of war.
Now into the brook and fish for the trout.
Dive right in and splash about. Trout! Trout! Pretty little trout!
One more splash and come right out.
Shake like a hound-dog. Shake again.
Wallow around in the old pig pen.
Wallow some more. Y'all know how.
Roll around like an old fat sow.
Allemande left with your right hand.
Follow through with a great left band. (?)
Now lead your partner the dirty old thing.
Follow through with an elbow swing.
Grab a fence post. Hold it tight.
Womp your partner with all your might.
Hit him in the shin. Hit him in the head.
Hit him again. The critter ain't dead.
Womp him low and womp him high.
Stick your finger in his eye.
Pretty little ring. Pretty little sound. Bang your heads against the
Promenade all around the room. Promenade like a bride and groom.
Open up the door and step right in.
Close the door and into a spin. Whirl! Whirl! Twist and twirl!
Jump all around like a flying squirrel.
Now don't you fuss and don't you swear.
Just come right out and form a square.
Now right hand over and left hand under.
Both join hands and run like thunder.
Over the hill and over the dale.
Duck your head and lift your tail.
Don't you stray and don't you roam.
Turn to your partner. Promenade home.
Corn in the cornfield. Wheat in the sack. Turn to your partner. Promenade
And now you're home. Bow to your partner.
Bow to the gent across the hall. And that is all!

On 1/19/2010, "Jeff Kaufman" <> wrote:

>We ended up doing melanie's triplet (twice) and ladies star.  There
>turned out to be several non-dancer people so I gave up on the
>"no-walkthrough" goal.  The dances went pretty well; thanks!

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