We danced Du Quoin Races last evening and it went really well. They want it
again next week! Thanks for you help.
John Tuck

2010/2/16 Susan Moffett <smoff...@insightbb.com>

> After the second circle left halfway/rollaway with a half sashay in the B2
> part, slide left with partner to a new couple.
> It works!
> On Feb 16, 2010, at 2:25 AM, John Tuck wrote:
>  Susan, you seem to know the dance well, how does the progression go? I get
>> the couples crossing sides but then coming back again
>> JoT
>> 2010/2/7 Susan Moffett <smoff...@insightbb.com>
>>  This dance has been one of my favorites for a long time. The first half
>>> for
>>> its precision and the second half for its flow. With the tight tune, it
>>> can
>>> be magical!
>>> On Feb 7, 2010, at 1:40 PM, Martha Edwards wrote:
>>> I would second that.
>>>> In "Midwest Folklore" a fine book of Midwestern Dances (plug, plug),
>>>> edited
>>>> by the dance's author, Orace Johnson, it says of DuQuoin Races:
>>>> A2 Balance (4) (Women step forward across the set to take neighbor's
>>>> place,
>>>> while men loop right to take partner's place, thus forming long wavy
>>>> lines
>>>> with the women facing out, and the men facing in.)
>>>> Balance. Men cross set as women loop right.
>>>> I particularly like the contrast between the somewhat quaint and formal
>>>> language of the explanation in parentheses with the curt, efficient "Men
>>>> cross as women loop right".
>>>> M
>>>> E
>>>> On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 7:07 AM, Chris Weiler (home) <
>>>> chris.wei...@weirdtable.org> wrote:
>>>> --
>>>> For the good are always the merry,
>>>> Save by an evil chance,
>>>> And the merry love the fiddle
>>>> And the merry love to dance. ~ William Butler Yeats
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